Create a new brand identity to attract a specific audience

Ready to take the leap and launch your own business? Or maybe it's time to give your company a fresh new look and feel? Whatever your goal, I'm here to help.

Brand consultancy

Need some help with any of these Brand services?

Brand Identity

I can help you develop an identity to support the launch of a new venture, establish a sub-brand or evolve your existing business.

Brand Messaging

I can help you decide what your brand stands for, who it speaks to and the optimum way of expressing this in your marketing.

Brand Guidelines

I can help you document a comprehensive set of brand guidelines to ensure your team stays fully aligned.

Colour selection

I can help you define the perfect palette to complement your brand aesthetic, from Hex and RGB to Pantone and CMYK.

Typography selection

I can help you select the ideal typefaces at the best weight and sizing to reinforce your values and enhance your content.

Logo creation

I can help you create a unique logotype or logo marque to represent your brand and attract your ideal audience.

Is it time to refresh your brand?

With more than two decades of design industry experience, I help businesses improve how they present and communicate their digital brand.

Photo of Simon Cook
Photo of Simon Cook